Monday, November 17, 2008

10 Things I Love About Abi

1. Your nearly ever present jack-o' lantern smile and the cheerful personality that goes along with it.
2. How graceful you are when you dance.
3. How you love to be my helper "chef" in the kitchen.
4. Your empathetic nature especially for your brother and sister.
5. How you save and savor your candy so that you have Halloween candy until Easter.
6. Your love of reading and of learning new things.
7. You are a chatty little girl and such good company.
8. How you can plan and plan and plan fun activities for our family.
9. Hearing you play the piano - I'm proud of you for working so hard.
10. Hugs and Kisses from my big girl.

Pics of Abi's new room. Just perfect for our ballerina princess.

Now I just hope that you can keep it this clean.

1 comment:

Ranay said...

What neat posts of NEAT children!