Sunday, March 29, 2015

Little Ladies

Somehow we became chicken owners.  A year ago, Kris spied a coop for sale at the fundraiser auction for our children's school and when the time came wildly bid on it until we won.  But with the upheaval of moving, staying with his mom, and moving again, we put acquiring the chicks on hold until this spring.  Eva and I went out to the farm to pick out our own little chicks, early in March.  We picked one for each child to name.  Sophia - an Americana for Abi.  River Song - a Rhode Island Red for Tal.  Shelly and Shiny - both Golden Sex Links for Leah and Eva.
We made a little home in the pantry for them where the kids could go look at, love and hold their chicks.

Eva especially loves the chicks.  She just goes into the pantry and pulls up her little camp chair that she brought in specifically to sit and watch our baby chicks.
 March 6, 2015
All too soon our chicks got big and stinky so we moved them into a box inside their coop in the garage.  The kids still love to go out and watch, hold and love their chickens.  This day, Eva and Daphne were learning about the Letter B and birds so we went out and held the chickens while we talked about their different parts.
 March 18, 2015

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