Sunday, August 25, 2013

Happy Fourth of July

The Fourth of July is Kris's favorite holiday and we like to celebrate it in style.  We all dress up in our red, white and blue to watch the parade from the front lawn of Cal and Cindy Ozaki.  Great seats.
Kris and Abi helped decorate our Stake Float in this years parade.  It looks nice!
What a good looking bunch of Meek's sporting our patriotism.  We all get into it for this holiday.  I am sporting an ankle brace as I heal from a nasty twist in preparation for my race.  Kris was out bright and early Fourth of July morning running the Firecracker Fun Run, maybe next year more of us can join him.  After the parade we picnicked in the Ozaki's backyard catching up with friends old and new.  We then headed for the Menan fourth of July celebration for their parade and party in the park.  The sweltering heat quickly sapped out energy though so we headed back to the Fife's for a little rest and relaxing before the fireworks.
Nana and Papa shared their new favorite spot just behind the City Building where we got front row seats to the display.  We enjoyed the slower pace of the Menan Fireworks and the beauty of each one did not disappoint.
That Friday we gathered at Nana Meek's with our Meek family for out annual firework show.  Every year I think Kris has the most fun, but our kids are catching up quickly as they assume more of the lighting duties.
They really enjoyed these smoke bombs this year.
Eva was a little scared but also fascinated by her sparklers.
Kris, as head lighter, lit each sparkler and then doled the out to the flurry of kids circling around him, hopefully not too dangerously.
Leah is really getting into it this year.
Kris and Co. put on quite a show this year with fountains, ground bloomers, fliers, and even a few Roman Candles and bottle rockets.  But our pack of aerials stole the show.  Pure joy was etched on Kris's (and everyone else's) face.

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