Sunday, August 25, 2013

Pine Basin is the Best

Abi and her cousin Gabby Howell spent a week at Pine Basin Summer Camp, a sleep away camp owned and operated by our school district, up the Teton Valley from Swan Valley.  Abi loved the week away hiking, playing water games, learning about nature and conservation, taking a field trip to Jackson Hole, staying up late and having fun.  On Thursday night, it is Parent's Night so we drove up to check on our Abi.  Her allergies were bothering her eyes, but otherwise she and Gabby were doing great.  Abi sang songs and performed in a skit at the campfire.  Then she toured us around showing us the shelter she and Gabby built, their crafts and their bunk house.
With a kiss and a hug we left her in good hands for the Staff Chase and a late night of fun before we would pick her up tired, dirty and a little smelly the next afternoon.
June 27, 2013

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