Monday, January 16, 2012

Leah the Hambone

Leah is the funniest kid. She says and does things every day that just crack me up. I just love this picture of her in these goggles.
She just had to wear this hat. And then she had to wear it to bed. Not kidding.

The other morning she woke up at 4 in the morning. Trying to convince Kris that she needed to stay up she said, "But dad, I'm all out of dreams."

We were eating spaghetti one night. She took 2 of her little cut up noodles and held them above her eyes. "Look, baby eyebrows."

"Mom, I am going to marry Daddy. It's okay, you can marry Daddy too."

Leah has an imaginary friend named Turbean. ( I really have no idea how to spell it but that is how she says it.) He is a prince and she is going to marry him. Many mealtimes we have to pull up a chair and set Turbean a place to eat with us. Luckily because he is invisible he eats invisible food. One dinner time we were naming the different kind of beans: green beans, yellow beans, chili beans, jelly beans etc. when Leah piped up ," and Turbeans."

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